Unlocking Maths
Unlocking Maths
Unlocking Maths
Unlocking Maths
Unlocking Maths

Unlocking Maths


Are you frustrated by spending hours searching endless pages for the right answers? 

Unlocking Maths offers unparalleled exam preparation to LC Higher Level students, with all past papers and solutions for the last 10 years in one easy-to-navigate e-Book. 

Letting you study wherever you are, this environmentally friendly study hack means you no longer have to carry around exam papers or waste time searching for answers. Simply move from question to answer in a matter of seconds as you practise tricky sums, saving precious time. 

The interactive e-Book contains 400 pages of State questions from the past 10 years and 600 pages of expert answers. Gain confidence by practising problems using the interactive screen, add notes or comments to exam papers, and save for later to study or share with your teacher. 

If you prefer to learn through video, we have Unlocking Maths +, powered by The Tuition Centre, where you can watch step-by-step solutions to all questions. Click here to find out more.

 Key features:

  • Move from question to answer in seconds
  • Practise questions using the interactive screen
  • Add notes or comments to your exam paper
  • Save for future study or share with your teacher
  • Option to learn through video with Unlocking Maths +


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